Summary: Ohio Interstate PA Licensure Compact

Heartland Impact Supports a Yes Vote on this Legislation WHAT THIS BILL DOES In Ohio, state Sen. Kristina Roegner (R-27th District) has introduced legislation that would create a multistate board…


OHIO CONSIDERS HEALTHCARE PRICE TRANSPARENCY SUMMARY Heartland Impact Supports a Yes Vote on this Legislation WHAT THIS BILL DOES In 2019, President Trump issued executive order 13877 to “increase the transparency of…

HB73 Testimony 22 May, 2024

HB73 Testimony 22 May, 2024 Mr. Chairman and members, on behalf of Heartland Impact, I am here today to thank you for your work in this committee to improve patient’s…

GA SB 355 Testimony

GA SB 355 Georgia Senate Ethics Committee Dear Chairman Burns and Committee members, My name is Matt Dean and I am a Senior Policy Fellow with Heartland Impact. Heartland Impact…